soy candles

DIY Scented Freedom Soy Wax Candles at home | Candle making kit review | Microwave your wax!

why we wouldn't recommend using 100% soy wax in candle making 💯

464 or C3 Soy Wax? | What is the DIFFERENCE?! | Candle Making 🕯

Soy Candles Vs Beeswax Candles: What’s Healthier? | Should You Buy It? [2023]

Why I no longer use 464 Soy

What You're Doing WRONG with Golden Brands 444 Soy Wax

Love soy wax but hate the clean up? Shop jelly wax melts at

Ecosoya CB Advanced Wax. Perfect Soy Candles Every-time.

Which one is your favourite # soy candles

Arumano Luxury Scented Candle. Scented Candles, Soy Wax, Candles, Fragrance Wax, Pure Soy Wax.

Lets Talk Freedom Soy Wax / American Soy Organics / My honest feedback & thoughts / Making Candles

Love/Hate With 464 Soy Wax | Testing and Making 464 Soy Candles (Part 2)


Getting Started with AAK GW 444 Soy Wax | Helpful tips to get the most out of 444 soy candle wax.

Soy vs Paraffin Wax | Candle Wax Debate [Facts and Myths of Soy wax vs Paraffin Wax]

Freedom Soy Wax / American Soy / Importance of Candle Testing / Why is it a MUST?

Testing YOUR Candles | Testing Coconut Soy Wooden Wick Candles | Niqui's Island (Ep. 24)

Why are Soy Candles Better? | Eco-Friendly | Vegan | Healthier

Which Wicks I Use For My Soy Wax Candles | Candle Making 🕯

Testing Golden 464 Soy Wax - Pt .2 Candle Wax Series ( What's the best candle wax)

Making Candles with Soy 10| First Impressions

🕯️ DIY Luxurious Silky Soy Wax Candles 🕯️ + Wood Wick vs Cotton Wick Burn Test | Ellen Ruth Soap

CANDLE REVIEW & TESTING 464 SOY CANDLES from 'Parris - Joy Candle Candle Co' | Candle Making Tips

'SAEUYVB Candle Making Kit Full Set | DIY Soy Candles as Home Decor'